Technische Universität Dresden

The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of eleven German universities that were identified by the German government as a ‘University of Excellence’. TUD has about 37,000 students and over 9,000 employees, 520 professors among them, and is therefore the largest university in Saxony today. TUD is strong in research, offering first-rate programmes with an overwhelming diversity, with close ties to culture, industry and society. As a modern full-status university with 14 departments it offers a wide academic range.
Business Management – Chair of Energy Economics (TUD-EE2): The Chair of Energy Economics at the TU Dresden under the lead direction of Prof. Dr. Dominik Möst works on issues in the field of energy economics, in particular the electricity sector. The chair focuses on the modelling of energy markets (especially the electricity market) and the integration of renewable energies. A main focus is on the model-based techno-economic analysis of energy systems and their developments. For this purpose, different (market) models have been developed by the chair. The Chair of Energy Economics carries out both fundamental and applied research projects together with national and international academic as well as industrial partners. Outstanding for the chair’s work is the strong interdisciplinary cooperation with research groups in the fields of electrical and mechanical engineering as well as social sciences. These projects usually not only consider national aspects, but also international developments and interdependences as well as interactions between different sectors, such as electricity, fuels, heat and mobility.